Season 1: Day 1


Our 8 contestants arrive at the previously undisclosed location.

They take a few minutes to admire the place they’ll temporarily call home before heading inside.
(This is the house that BreeMiles built for the challenge. The download link is found in the 1st post of her CHALLENGE THREAD)

After pictures are taken and a brief interview is conducted (information found on the CONTESTANTS page), they are led to their first challenge.

The first challenge is …

Goal: The sim who lasts the longest on the treadmill will be awarded 10 points!

Some sims look relaxed while others do not.

Mikaela, Brittani, Kelsie, Greta and Quinton step off at the same time. Erick, Jermaine and Otis continue to keep pace with one another.

Jermaine soon joins the others.

Who will prevail? Erick or Otis?

Erick is the winner! Congratulations!!

Jermaine remarks on how close Otis was to winning and Otis replies, “It’s fine, man, the contest is still young and how it ends is anybody’s guess!”

Erick sends out a tweet about his victory and seems pleased with the response he’s getting. “#TeamErick for the win”, he replies.

Card games, conversation along with movies are a great way to relax and unwind after the competition.

Reading is another activity the contestants seem to like.

Quinton brews a pot of coffee in lieu of taking a nap.

It might not be as big of a boost as he would like it to be.

Although the burst of energy makes him think it is.

Mealtimes consist of sims grabbing whatever sounds appealing.

Even though they are competitors, everyone tries to get along.

Eventually things wind down and most head off to bed.

Those who don’t “fortify” themselves with more coffee and popcorn.

Day 1 Tally
Points Earned:
Erick 10

It will be interesting to see who prevails during tomorrow’s challenge.
Day 2

11 thoughts on “Season 1: Day 1

    1. I had to remove the ice cream maker and chocolate fountain from a house I downloaded for Sims 3 because my sims would not leave those items alone! I guess the popcorn maker is one such item that holds the same appeal in Sims 4, lol

      Popcorn Crew is cute! I’ll have to see what mine end up getting called. Day 1 was mostly popcorn (made twice that I noticed) although … Otis ate a ham & cheese sandwich, Greta microwaved a meal, Erick had yogurt and Brandi cereal. Interesting how none of them attempts to cook.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My bunch are the same way! At one point they even eat a degraded batch of popcorn, I’m like what the heck! There are ham sandwiches in the refrigerator, and yes even in my game, no one dares to cook! I had one to cook just to make sure the counters worked out, and he has never opted to cook again! LOL Our Sims!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Day 1: Quinton made coffee and drank some before walking away. Later, he made coffee again and then partially drank two cups. Going to have to keep an eye on him, lol

        Will be interesting to see what they do to curb their hunger because popcorn (and coffee) can only go so far. I agree … LOL Our Sims! Always keeping us entertained, amused and shaking our heads in puzzlement at some of the things that they do.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. They do! I think the treadmill tired them out earlier than normal and this could possibly start the trend of early to bed each day. We’ll see.

      It’s a cute cat hoodie but I agree with it being too hot for athletic wear. But … these outfits like their traits are all random. I didn’t actively select anything and it’s been quite fun. I might have to be random like this more often 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This would be a definite challenge for my inner control freak. That’s probably what would make it the most fun. 🙂 I’ll bet it was quite freeing not to have to style every outfit for 8 sims (less time consuming, too). That’s quite a house that Bree created! It’ll be fun seeing more of it as the challenge continues. Great start, A!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought I would face that particular challenge as well, but part of what helped is knowing that the goal is attaining 100 points instead of working towards building/leaving a legacy that gets forwarded to the next generation. It’s a bit freeing not having to think about x action affecting y and z.

      Oh my yes! Character creation, especially naming them!!, takes me forever in any game I play. My husband and I co-play a number of online games and he usually watches a video or something so as to not get annoyed while waiting for me. lol

      It’s a lovely, luxurious build & she thought of everything these contestants might need!! The pops of green throughout the seating and dining areas is such a happy color. 🙂

      I don’t own a few of the packs so some of the wallpapers and the set of sinks nearest the eating area is different from her original design.

      Thanks again! I think it’s going well and look forward to playing more soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only person who obsesses over naming her sims! For Jill’s 100 Baby Challenge, I had an Excel spreadsheet of boys’ and girls’ names to choose from for each letter of the alphabet. And don’t get me started on last names. Thank goodness for Google.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re not the only one! Whether first name or last, Google is my go-to for finding the right name.

        Excel is another must-have! I have a workbook for Sims 3 and a second one for Sims 4. Each skill has its own tab, another tab or two per family (family tree on one and generational notes on the other), etc etc etc

        Word is where I jot down notes during each game session. This helps when trying to sort out screenshots for a chapter or two … usually done at a much later date so of course all the help that I can get for remembering things is a plus!!

        So yeah … for a “casual gamer” I am not all that casual in my playing! LOL


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